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I’m writing this with an overwhelming sense of post-vacation blues (not kidding, it’s a real thing). The blues hit me after any vacation, but they are inexplicably stronger after any trip to Walt Disney World. As my sister once put it, “The first couple years after going to Disney are hard.” We’ve been a few […]
Freshman year, I sat up in the balcony of the Conn Center toward the very end of the spring semester and watched my very first honors chapel. I looked at all the seniors on the stage, picked up a program and started reading about the different awards they had earned. The speaker told the first […]
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You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA on social media over the past 2 weeks. If you’ve been wondering where I am, I have your answers here! From July 14-21, I was vacationing at the beach with my sweet Atkins family. And then from July 22-28, I was on a mission trip to Puerto […]
“I’ll never be as good as her.” “There’s no way I can compete against him.” “My work will never look like hers.” “Someone else will always be smarter than me.” “I’m always going to live in someone else’s shadow.” “I am nothing special.” Raise your hand if you have ever thought any of these things […]
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15 years ago today, one of my favorite people in the world was born. I love Levi more than words can even express, and I am so thankful to have him as a little brother. But today is so bittersweet. Because he should be getting his learner’s permit today. He should have had a bunch […]
I don’t really know when my GPA became an idol. I don’t really know what specific day or time or month I started to put it above God. I didn’t even realize that was what I was doing at the time. All I knew was that I wanted a perfect GPA, and I was going […]
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Who you choose as your wedding photographer is a big deal! This guide includes key questions to ask and factors to consider as you make your decision.