Chrislyn | Senior

March 18th, 2018


This is Chrislyn and she’s the cutest and sweetest!

Earlier this month, I got to hang out with Chrislyn for her senior photos at Lee University (which is also where I attend school) and let me tell you, she is SO sweet!! I had the absolute best time photographing her! When you look at these pictures, you’ll be able to tell she has such a sweet spirit by her beautiful smile. Before I dive into all my favorite images from her session, I want to tell you a little bit about her because she’s pretty cool!


Chrislyn will be graduating from Lee this July with a degree in Communications (communications majors for the win, amiright?!) and she also completed a minor in Business Management. Obviously, we must be kindred spirits of some kind because we have a lot in common in terms of schooling 😉 During her time at Lee, Chrislyn was involved in the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM). She says her BCM journey started in 2015 with her going on a beach trip with one of her friends + about 30 strangers – not something she would normally do! But she says she is crazy thankful she went. Chrislyn says, “At the BCM I found a family who challenges me, loves me, makes me laugh, but most importantly always pushes me toward Jesus, and for that I am forever grateful.” After graduation, she’s considering getting her Master’s but would love to find a career within ministry or a non-profit organization!

Okay, do you guys love her or do you love her?! Now let’s see more of her senior pictures!


The joy of the Lord just radiates through her smile and laugh!

Dear Lee University Physical Plant,

We would like to apologize for the glittery mess we created when taking the photo below. It took a lot more glitter than we expected, and for that we are sorry.




After we finished taking photos at the Communications building (my personal favorite building on campus ❤️), we made our way over to the administration building to shoot in the greens and the golden hour light.



Chrislyn also brought a photo from when she was a little kid and it was honestly the most precious idea ever! ❤️






One of the most beautiful spots on campus is the chapel, so how could we leave that out?




For the last few minutes of the session, Chrislyn changed into a Lee t-shirt and jeans, and honestly these pictures are some of my favorites. So cute, casual, and happy!



Happy graduation, Chrislyn! Thank you so much for trusting me to take your senior photos! I had so much fun with you! Here’s to a summer full of happiness, Reese’s and iced caramel macchiato… you’ve earned it!



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